Ditch Your Double Chin with Kybella®

Under the chin is a sneaky place for fat to hide out. Fat in this area is called submental fat, and it can be almost impossible to exercise or diet away. That’s where Kybella® comes in. This FDA approved injectable can naturally disperse fat cells, leaving you with a sleeker profile.
At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Doral, Florida, Dr. Ernest M. DiGeronimo offers safe, effective Kybella injections to disrupt stubborn submental fat, just in time for those holiday gatherings.
How a double chin develops
Double chins occur when fat cells collect under the jaw, causing one or more rolls of fatty tissue. How and why does this happen? Here are a few possible causes of double chin.
Many perfectly healthy people who don’t appear overweight still have a double chin. In such cases, genetics may be to blame and a look at family members will reveal the same trait.
Weight gain
Gaining weight can cause you to add fat all over your body, but when you try to lose weight, submental fat stubbornly remains even as the rest of your body returns to svelteness.
Can you have bad chin posture? Yes you can. Slouching and resting your chin on your chest (while looking at your phone, for example) means the muscles holding up your head aren’t used. This can make it easy for skin to become lax under the chin and fat cells to proliferate in the absence of exercise.
Collagen and elastin are the proteins in your skin which are responsible for keeping everything looking firm and toned. When you age, your body slows down production of these proteins, allowing skin to sag.
Even if you only have a little submental fat, the skin can quickly turn into rolls under your jaw. While these can be removed surgically, a simple double chin can also be addressed with Kybella.
Kybella basics
Kybella is an injectable that is mostly made up of deoxycholic acid. This bile acid is normally found in our diets, and is responsible for breaking down fat in the foods we eat.
When Dr. DiGeronimo injects Kybella under your chin, the deoxycholic acid goes right for the membranes of the fat cells, breaking them down and allowing your body’s natural lymphatic system to carry away the waste.
It might take a few rounds of injections over the course of some weeks to achieve the results you want. After Kybellsa, you’ll want to watch your diet and maintain a good exercise routine to prevent fat cells from collecting again.
To learn more about Kybella and how we can help you say goodbye to your double chin, call 305-376-0378 or request an appointment online.
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